Take the Pledge to Not Text and Drive with Tobias Harris
Think you can get away with texting and driving? Think again. Over 100,000 crashes per year are caused by a driver focused on their phone and not the road, crashing their car and possibly taking a life. It has got to stop. That’s why the Expressway Authority, Orlando Health Trauma Center, Z88.3, Boone High School’s “Always Wear Your Seat Belt Club,” and the Magic’s Tobias Harris have joined together to create a social stigma around this dangerous habit of texting and driving by offering drivers of all ages a solution – designate a texter.
As Tobias Harris recently stated: “Friends don’t let friends text and drive. They designate a texter.” Join the movement and take the pledge. And, share why you designate a texter at #WhosYourDT. It stops with you. Visit www.WhosYourDT.com
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